Photo Phriday: A year ago I thought I was pretty damn special.*

April 10, 2009 at 11:08 am | Posted in Baby Weight (Evan), I shouldn't have even posted this, Me myself I and me again, Photo Phriday, Putting on Baby Weight (Pregnancy), Rewind | Leave a comment

…turns out I was just pregnant.  Like everyone else. 


I was about 15 weeks along here.  I blossomed pretty early.  This is what I looked like throughout my entire pregnancy.  Hands on my belly and a smug little grin on my face*.  “Looky… I created life.  I’m sustaining it with my mind.  What have you done today?”*  Turns out there was about eleventy thousands of other woman who were blah blah blah… whatever.  Because I created this and they didn’t*:

all smiles

How does that taste?  Bitter?  Hard to swallow?  Yeah, I thought so.*  (Umm, Stephanie and I were just discussing this Scrubs quote and I choose to jack it.)

*It’s not that I think my kid’s better than yours… it’s just that he’s MY kid and sooo much better than yours I wuv him to pieces.  Your kid’s cute too.  Srsly, that kid of yours is adorable.  I love me some children.  I wanna see photos!  Can I have them when they are all little and new?  I like them the best.  I’ll take good care of them!  Nommmmmm… newborns.

Sex, drugs and “OHMYGOD cover your eyes Evan!”

April 1, 2009 at 11:56 am | Posted in Baby Weight (Evan), I have unleashed the crazy, I shouldn't have even posted this, I's for reals, It's OK to be confused... I am, Me myself I and me again | 1 Comment

Days ago I was watching House (awesomest show ever) and Wilson said the following quote:

It is possible to believe in a thing and still fail to live up to it.

It quite literally gave me pause (cause I hit pause on the remote).  I tilted my head and looked up, (cause I have to do that to think), and thought about that for a moment.  Forever and ever I wanted to be a good mother.  Wanted to, you know, NOT cause hardship/pain/sorrow to my child.  I think I believe(d) somewhere in a dark corner of my mind that it is possible to be a perfect mother.  A tiny troll snob burrowed up there thought that if I tried Hard Enough, I wouldn’t make any mistakes.  I would tell people seeking my advice that they are human… mistakes are made.  I would tell myself that I wanted my child to know I was human and that I could make mistakes.  (Could being the operative word here) Yet, the little voice…

I was panic-stricken in the hospital when I couldn’t get my 4 day old to take an entire 2 ounce bottle because the nurses could do it and am I going to stave my baby??  I’d make a dash to the nurses station hold up my child and whine, “He won’t eat!  I’m doing something wrong!  He ate for you!  Show me before I kill my baby!  Exclamation Point!” She would sit up my child do a little pat on the back and a petite little burp came out and she said, “Aww.. he just had a little burp stuck, Mommy”  Yeah… Aww.  Fuck, I suck.  Or when I was clipping his bitty nails and I almost chopped off the tip of his thumb… I would have downed a cyanide pill because surely I had to die.  I HAD JUST CUT OPEN MY BABY.  If I had one I woulda taken one.  If I wasn’t busy mopping up blood.  So now I tell myself I’m getting all my mistakes out now before he can remember them.  I know… good plan, right?

You want to protect your child but you want them to be able to explore.  You want to teach them to be cautious but you don’t want them to live life afraid.  This blogger got my mind a churnin’.  One of the many things that makes me shake with fear is the sex thing.  I read about mothers (who blog) that freak and tell them to stop and “that’s gross” when their young child decides to explore their body.  Still other mothers (who blog) that patiently tell their child that it’s OK, but it should be done in private.  Is one option going to sexually repress them?  Will the other make make them over-sexed?  And how do you even approach how to approach this because *blush* and *giggle*.

I remember (waaaaaaaaay) back when I was a little girl.  A friend and I were acting out a scene from this Bill Cosby stand up tape.  (There are so many things in that sentence alone that implicates me in all sort of dumb-ass-ery)  Anywhatzit, it happened to be a part where a woman was having a baby.  We knew that babys came from between the legs… how and why did they do that, who cares?  So if Bill is talking about seeing a baby come out and we are acting this shit out like the true, talented actresses we were, one of us had our legs in the air and one of us was looking between them.  We obviously didn’t see anything sexual in this because what’s a Sexual?  While we were deep in the scene the babysitter walks in and FREAKS THE FUCK OUT.  Afterwards I felt dirty, ashamed, confused and scared to look at anyone’s legs.  Because legs where bad.  Apparently.

So are you damned if you do and damned if you don’t?  How much power does a parent have over a child’s sexuallity?  Should we ban girls from wearing midriffs and short skirts?  Should we buy our sons condoms?  Should we tell our sons, “Icky!  Don’t touch yourself there!”?  Should we let our daughters date at 14?

There are no guidelines, rules, cut-off ages or anything posted anywhere on the internet.  These Mommy Bloggers all present good points on all corners of the spectrum.  I don’t wanna screw my son up.  I want him to grow up to be a good husband to a woman someday, (like when he’s 45 or whenever he decides to be with whomever he wants to be with (crap!)), but I also want him to only wuv his mommy.  And be a Momma’s Boy forever and never leave the house… that won’t screw him up too bad, will it?

Total Slut.

I can see your belly button! Total. Slut.

Because my home is not cluttered enough

March 4, 2009 at 6:18 pm | Posted in Baby Weight (Evan), I shouldn't have even posted this, The Others | Leave a comment

Evan has a new highchair.  He watched us eat dinner tonight.  He obviously thought it was astonishing.  After we got our fill, we decided to let the kid have some food.

that was thrilling

See the proof of his talking whist eating??  Carrots and rice cereal everywhere. 

Welp,  seriously short post here because Evan is currently trying to nurse through my sweater, which is interesting because:

A) He doesn’t breastfeed.


B) He’s not my husband.

Curious thing that.

OK, ignore this and go read about giant labias.

World of WarCrap

February 18, 2009 at 12:21 pm | Posted in I shouldn't have even posted this, It's OK to be confused... I am, The Others | 1 Comment

The hell?

No.  Wait… seriously?

Are. You. For. Real?

My husband plays this damned computer game from hell ALL DAY LONG.  At first I was concerned because he played the damn XBOX (Call of Doody) all the time.  However, every once and a while he would disengage from it and crawl out of the basement like a big bear coming out of hibernation.  All stretch-y and eye squint-y from the light.  Wayne and I could chat during these expeditions away from the XBOX and Evan knew what his daddy looked like.  All was good. 

His brother is staying with us and has been playing it.  He promised me he would keep Wayne away from the game.  Lies!  It’s all about WoW in the house right now.  Hours… tens of hours at a time.  Energy drinks and shots have been bought to battle sleepiness.  Bets have been made as to who can play it longer. 

I cooked dinner last night and actually had to give a warning call to them, “Dinner’s almost ready… end your quests!”  5-10 minutes later they scramble up the stairs, spoon food onto their plates and run back down hoping their character wasn’t killed during the 20 seconds they were away.  WTF?

Google “World of WarCraft Addiction” and you will get more hits than Rhianna.  (Too soon?)  Lost jobs, failing grades, suicides, poor little kitties corrupted!  And I feel bad because I currently eat too many Blow Pops in a day and eat at the same place for lunch for months at a time.  Wayne is even trying to wrangle me in…

Urrrrrg.  Play World of Warcraft with us.  Zorrrg.  All the cool kids are doing it.  Beep!  Just try it once, you will love it.  *blank stare*”

Tell you what, when the aliens do invade, the easiest way will be through online video games.  Who needs projectile vomiting a la The Invasion

OMG.  Wait!

Maybe they are invading now.  They could be getting our brains all mushy and pliable.  Aliens are totally like ninjas with computers… and programming knowledge!  They could be doing this to bloggers/blog readers as well!  It’s too late for us!  Conspiracy!  No one is safe… even my 75 year-old grandma plays card games online.  Sigh, I guess we’ll find out… surely they will delete this post if it’s true.  (Or I will when I read this after the Ambien has worn off.)

Anywhatsit, this gives you a full picture of my home:  Evan and I at the TV upstairs.  Wayne and Matt on computers downstairs.  Dogs being neglected somewhere in the middle. 

Home Sweet WarCrap.

Teaching bad habits to the next generation. (AKA: Bad Mommy)

January 20, 2009 at 12:47 pm | Posted in Baby Weight (Evan), I shouldn't have even posted this | 1 Comment

Evan is growing and he won’t effin’ stop.  I’m a Bad Mommy ’cause I want my skinny little newborn back.  Because, well, look at this:

First Bath

Wook how wittle he is!  Daddy could hold him down with two fingers.  Let me tell you… that’s handy!  Plus the child can’t walk and he’s getting heavy.


I’m also a Bad Mommy because I took this precious grinning offspring:

Chubby Guy

and let some stranger STAB HIM!  Twice.  After the first one he just kinda looked at me like, “WTF?”.  The second one was kinda like, “You Bitch!  waaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!  Waa waa waa *whimper* *sigh* *sniffle* eeeeeeeeeehhh”.  So on and so forth.


Again with the Bad Mommy.  Rice Cereal.  It’s that time.  Apparently he “takes it fine” with his daycare provider, Miss Di.  (*gasp* Yup, I work.  Child is being raised by someone else.  Bad Mommy.) 

Dealing with it.

“This is… interesting.  It’s bottle time, but I guess we can do this for a minute.”  Three bites later:


 “This is just wrong!  You’re putting crap in my mouth and there isn’t even a nipple involved.  Get me out of this contraption!  Release meeeeeeeeee!  Put the camera down and make me a bottle, NOW!”


And this is just AWFUL.  Seriously, if you have a weak stomach for Bad Mommies or you are totally in a flaming mood, TURN AWAY NOW.  I could say he’s looking at Daddy with a toy… tangling it above his head or something…

 I'm not telling you what he's watching.

But that would be a lie.  Prepare yourself:


That’s right.  He’s watching TV.  My four month old. Intensely.  And it’s Dirty Jobs he’s watching… Mike Rowe and snakes.  TV.  TeeeeeeeVeeeeee!!  How DARE I!  But he’s having Tummy Time.  And learning about snakes.  And Stuff.  That’s good, right?  Riiiiiiiiiiight.  (Ignore the evil glowing-eye dog.  He sees how much of a Bad Mommy I am and he’s damning me to Hell.)

That’s what makes me a Bad Mommy.  Confess:  What makes you a Bad Mommy?

If she can record me, she’d see a lot of road rage and a white girl shimmying to hip-hop…

January 12, 2009 at 12:48 pm | Posted in Baby Weight (Evan), I have unleashed the crazy, I shouldn't have even posted this, It's OK to be confused... I am, Me myself I and me again | 1 Comment

Go-go Gadgets.

Scene:  January 8th 2009… about 6:30pm… getting in my frikkin’ freezing car after my psychiatrist  appointment.  (I’m doing very well, thankyou… just a normal step up on the Welbutrin.  ‘Cause I know you were interested in the crazy.  You’re Welcome.)

First I crank on the car, of course.  It greets me and I adjust the heater (high!) and turn on the defrost and the butt warmer.  Cozy.  Next I plug in the IPOD, turn it on and hit the “Recently Downloaded” playlist.  Rock.  Oh!  Don’t forget to take off the vibrate feature on the phones.  Yes, phones, one for me, one for work.  Now I pull out the GPS.  I’ve driven home from the doc’s office before, but maybe Miss GPS knows a better way home.  Take her out of the case, set her on the dashboard and plug her in, turn her on and tell her to take me home.  Ahh.. now I can back out and get the F home.  Holy gadgets.

Turns out Miss GPS does know a better way home.  I think.  I don’t really know where I am at this point actually.  I just turned where she told me to turn and where the fuck am I?  She seems to know but I’m just doing as she says.  In my mind’s eye I see a bunch of clueless drivers that were directed onto a frozen lake somewhere gliding across the ice with their stunned deer-in-the-headlights looks as other car’s headlights sweep over them like spotlights.  Then the bitch GPSs tell them they have “reached their destination” and laugh and laugh and laugh.

She makes me nervous.  I feel the need to look at her and turn down my radio when she talks.  I feel like a bitch if I don’t.  Plus I’m lost, so she could be videotaping me and giving me bad directions if I disrespect her.  Good grief, I feel like a tool at this point.  Then: Ahh Hah!  The highway!  I’m saved.  And I know my way now.  My music gets turned up and I ignore her.  She gets louder, (or am I imagining this?) and brighter.  I glance at her from the corner of my eye but I don’t give the satisfaction of a full-on stare.  Then a song comes on the IPOD that I skip.  And the guilt pours off me ’cause I feel bad when I skip a song ’cause I’m sure the IPOD is saying, “You’re the one that downloaded it, asshole.”  and rolls his eyes.  If he has eyes.  Which I’m sure he does.

I haven’t used her since.  I’m sure she’s pissed.  Maybe I should tell the doc about this one… Or maybe I should pretend it never happened and just post a picture of Baby Evan from this morning to distract you.  Good Plan, Amber.  *pats back*

Go-go Gadget Evan!

Go-go Gadget Evan!

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